Location Nakanoto Town: Furusato Soshukan Museum

Gobyoyama, Mt. Sekido

Display status
No permanent display
From 1694
Archaeological material
Nakanoto Town

The elevated area located southeast of the Omiya-bo Site on Mt. Sekido is called Gobyoyama. At the summit, there are pagodas for Saint Chitoku, who is said to have founded Mt. Sekido, as well as for the successive generations of the Kaga Maeda clan, including MAEDA Toshiie.
The memorial tower for Saint Chitoku is a five-storied pagoda established in 1694 by Hoin (highest-rank priest) Yuhen, the patron. To the east of the summit, there are neatly arranged pagodas in the shape of kasa-toba for the first to the twelfth generations of the Kaga Maeda clan.

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中能登町ふるさと創修館 アイコン

Nakanoto Town: Furusato Soshukan Museum

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Nakanoto Town: Furusato Soshukan Museum

Opened in 1996, the first floor features a display room for floats and local historical materials, while the second floor is available for conference room rental.
The floats and local historical materials display room showcases traditional floats and introduces float festivals, as well as exhibits of pottery from the Jomon to Yayoi periods unearthed in the town, and Sue ware excavated from ancient kiln sites.
Additionally, there are displays of folk tools, agricultural implements, and a recreated old farmhouse room featuring a sunken hearth, illustrating life from the Meiji to Showa periods.

19-1 Hitoto, Nakanoto-machi, Kashima-gun, Ishikawa Pref. 929-1715 Google Maps

TEL 0767-74-2735
E-mail bunka@town.nakanoto.ishikawa.jp
