Location Hodatsushimizu Town: Buried Cultural Properties Center

Sanden Kanaya Burial Mound

Display status
On display
Late 6th Century
Archaeological material
Hodatsushimizu Town

The Sanden Kanaya Burial Mound is a circular burial mound located in Sanden, Hodatsushimizu Town, dating back to the late 6th century. The mound measures 21m in length (along the main axis of the stone chamber) and 18.5m in width. The burial facility consists of a horizontal stone chamber that is 9.85m long, with the main chamber measuring 5.72m in length, 2.65m in width, and 2.76m in height. A standing stone is placed between the entrance passage and the main chamber.
Artifacts recovered from inside the stone chamber include gold and silver rings, Sue ware (unglazed pottery), and horse gear. Inside the stone chamber, there is a combination-style house-shaped stone coffin. The coffin is made of tuff and measures 2.3m in length, 1.1m in width, and 1.27m in height. It features a unique lid with carvings resembling “chigi” (a traditional architectural element), which are carved into roofs.
The Sanden Kanaya Burial Mound, with its approximately 10m-long horizontal stone chamber and the unique house-shaped stone coffin with a lid that resembles a roof with “chigi”, is a valuable burial mound that has no parallels in the late Kofun period (approx. 500 AD) of Noto. It was designated as a National Historic Site on January 16, 1982.

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宝達志水町埋蔵文化財センター アイコン

Hodatsushimizu Town: Buried Cultural Properties Center

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Hodatsushimizu Town: Buried Cultural Properties Center

The Hodatsushimizu Town Buried Cultural Properties Center opened on November 1, 2017, as a facility for the conservation management, investigation research, and public display of buried cultural properties unearthed in the town. Renovation work was carried out in fiscal year 2019, and the exhibition rooms have been open to the public since June 2020.
The first floor features photo panels of designated cultural properties from the town. The second floor includes Exhibition Room 1, which displays artifacts from local archaeological sites ranging from the Jomon period to civil war period, while Exhibition Room 2 showcases materials from the Sagai Collection, which were preserved by local archaeological researchers.
If you are in the area, please feel free to stop by.

Ha-249-1 Ogawa, Hodatsushimizu-cho, Hakui-gun, Ishikawa Pref. 929-1343 Google Maps

TEL 0767-28-5180
E-mail bunkazai@town.hodatsushimizu.lg.jp
