Location Nonoichi Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

Suematsu Temple Site

Display status
On display
Hakuho period
Archaeological material
Nonoichi City

The Suematsu Temple Site was designated as a National Historic Site in 1939 and is said to have been built during the Hakuho period (645-710), making it one of the oldest temples in the Hokuriku region.
Excavations carried out in 1966 and 1967 revealed that it was a Hokkiji temple-style garan layout, with the main hall on the west and the pagoda on the east.
Starting in 1968, a maintenance project was carried out to restore some of the site, and it is now a popular historical park. Of note, the actual pagoda cornerstones are positioned to display the remains of the pagoda.
Excavation surveys have been carried out since 2014 in conjunction with the redevelopment of the historical park. In 2018, part of the tile tower (earthenware shaped like a pagoda) was discovered: a piece of earthenware with a female figure engraved on it. There are no other examples in Japan of a noblewoman drawn on a tile Tower. In addition, a survey in 2022 revealed that the digging groundwork used for the main hall, in which the ground was improved by densely laying gravel, was unique.

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野々市市ふるさと歴史館・野々市デジタル資料館 アイコン

Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

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Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

The Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum opened in April 1992 as a facility that organizes, stores, researches and exhibits cultural properties. It is adjacent to the Okyozuka Site, a National Historic Site, and approximately 800 pieces of Jomon Period earthenware, earthen figurines and stone artifacts excavated from the Okyozuka Site are on display (all are designated Important Cultural Properties). In addition, artifacts from the Yayoi Period to early modern times found during excavations in Nonoichi City are on display. Nonoichi Digital Archives is a digital museum opened in 2013 that introduces Nationally and City-Designated Cultural Properties located in Nonoichi.

1-182 Okyozuka, Nonoichi, 921-8801 Google Maps

TEL 076-227-6122   E-mail shougai@city.nonoichi.lg.jp
