Location Nonoichi Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

Artifacts Excavated from Okyozuka Site in Ishikawa Prefecture

Display status
On display
Late Jomon to Final Jomon period
Archaeological material
Nonoichi City

Artifacts excavated from the Okyozuka Site, which covers the long period from about 1700 to 500 BC, are valuable for reconstructing the livelihoods and spiritual activities of the time. On June 29, 2010, 4,219 artifacts, including 542 earthen artifacts, 3,642 stone artifacts, 23 bone and antler artifacts, and 12 additional items, were designated as Important Cultural Properties.
Although the pottery was influenced by both eastern and western Japan, these artifacts have regional characteristics unique to the Hokuriku region, and are considered to be chronological type materials of the Hokuriku region. Dogu, clay figurines, which are the most commonly excavated earthen artifacts in this area, are extremely important as many can be classified into periods based on their shape and pattern.
Many stone tools were found, such as chipped stone axes and milling stone basin, indicating subsistence activity that relied on plant foods such as rhizomes and nuts. The stone artifacts include many special relics related to rituals and magic, such as decorative beads, stone tools, crown-shaped stones and stone swords. Approximately half of the stone artifacts are made from jade produced in the upper reaches of Himekawa River, Niigata Prefecture, which tells us about the actual state of trade.
In addition to the exhibition of some actual items at the Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum, the digital museum introduces approximately 800 excavated items.

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野々市市ふるさと歴史館・野々市デジタル資料館 アイコン

Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

website Document list

Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

The Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum opened in April 1992 as a facility that organizes, stores, researches and exhibits cultural properties. It is adjacent to the Okyozuka Site, a National Historic Site, and approximately 800 pieces of Jomon Period earthenware, earthen figurines and stone artifacts excavated from the Okyozuka Site are on display (all are designated Important Cultural Properties). In addition, artifacts from the Yayoi Period to early modern times found during excavations in Nonoichi City are on display. Nonoichi Digital Archives is a digital museum opened in 2013 that introduces Nationally and City-Designated Cultural Properties located in Nonoichi.

1-182 Okyozuka, Nonoichi, 921-8801 Google Maps

TEL 076-227-6122   E-mail shougai@city.nonoichi.lg.jp
