Location Nonoichi Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

Former Uozumi Family Residence

Display status
On display
Constructed in Hakusan City, and moved to Nonoichi City

The Former Uozumi Family Residence was originally a rural merchant house built between 1854-1859 in Murai Village, Ishikawa County (present day Hakusan City). The Uozumi family purchased this building in 1900 and moved it to Nonoichi village Nishi-dori (present day Hon-machi 4-chome) as their home. The Uozumi house in Nonoichi was built facing the main street of Hokkoku Kaido, and was used as a general store and residence until 1973, selling Konkanishin (herring pickled in koji and rice bran), vegetables and fertilizers.
This house was built as a merchant's house in a farming village, so when you enter through the main entrance there is a space called the mise-no-ma where the merchant could sell their products, however the area behind the rear oe living space features a farmhouse layout. The front facade is that of a flat-sided machiya townhouse with a fine latticework, and a triangular gable can be seen above. Machiya-style farmhouses such as this one can often be seen along roadsides in rural areas near Kanazawa. The structure of the houses reflects their owners’ occupations, which consisted of both agriculture and commerce.
The mise-no-ma and oe are open to the roof space, and you can see the large beams above. The main tatami room and antechamber were the public rooms, while the living room and resting room were the private rooms of the family.
The house has been relocated several times and is now open to the public as Folk Museum NoNo.

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野々市市ふるさと歴史館・野々市デジタル資料館 アイコン

Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

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Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum / Nonoichi Digital Archives

The Nonoichi City Furusato History Museum opened in April 1992 as a facility that organizes, stores, researches and exhibits cultural properties. It is adjacent to the Okyozuka Site, a National Historic Site, and approximately 800 pieces of Jomon Period earthenware, earthen figurines and stone artifacts excavated from the Okyozuka Site are on display (all are designated Important Cultural Properties). In addition, artifacts from the Yayoi Period to early modern times found during excavations in Nonoichi City are on display. Nonoichi Digital Archives is a digital museum opened in 2013 that introduces Nationally and City-Designated Cultural Properties located in Nonoichi.

1-182 Okyozuka, Nonoichi, 921-8801 Google Maps

TEL 076-227-6122   E-mail shougai@city.nonoichi.lg.jp
