Location Ishikawa Museum of Natural History

Timber Trunk Specimen (Species: Lyonia Ovalifolia(Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica), Ericaceae Family)

Display status
No permanent display
Wajima City

One of 56 timber trunks comprising 54 types species collected in Wajima City. The tree species is lyonia ovalifolia(Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica), a small deciduous tree that is common in mountains. The trunk often grows sloping(ascending) upwards. The bark of the tree is brown, has vertical cracks, and peels off thinly. The name comes from the fact that the bark twists and splits vertically as it grows. Since the wood is also twisted, it is said to be unsuitable for lumber. The wood is dense and beautiful, so it is used for things like combs and chopsticks. This specimen was donated by the Ishikawa Giant Tree Association.

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石川県立自然史資料館 アイコン

Ishikawa Natural History Museum

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Ishikawa Natural History Museum

A comprehensive natural history museum that opened in 2006. They collect and store specimen materials related to Ishikawa prefecture's nature (fauna, flora, rocks, fossils, etc.) and conduct research on them. The results are exhibited in permanent, temporary and special exhibitions, disseminating a variety of information to the citizens of the prefecture. They also hold physics experiment equipment that was used at Fourth High School, and some of it is on display. The museum focuses on educational activities and holds events such as specimen preparation classes and nature observation sessions and lectures, providing a variety of opportunities to become familiar with the nature of Ishikawa.

Ri-441 Choshimachi, Kanazawa, 920-1147 Google Maps

TEL 076-229-3450   E-mail info@n-muse-ishikawa.or.jp
