Location Ishikawa Archaeological Foundation

Shukumukaiyama Site Artifact: Stone tool

Display status
On display
Upper Paleolithic Period (approx. 40,000 to 16,000 years ago)
Archaeological material
Shuku, etc. (Hodatsushimizu-cho, Hakui-gun)

The Paleolithic Period is the period from the emergence of humans until the widespread use of earthenware approximately 16,000 years ago. Beginning with the discovery of a knife-shaped stone tool in Otachi, Hodatsushimizu Town in 1960, there have been approximately 60 sites from the Upper Paleolithic Period found to date in Ishikawa Prefecture. At that time, it is thought that people lived a nomadic life, chasing Naumann's elephants and elk, and foraging for fish and nuts.
Currently, the oldest hunter's stone tool in the prefecture is a partly-ground stone axe from the early Upper Paleolithic Period (approximately 40,000 to 30,000 years ago) found at the Shukumukaiyama Site. This stone axe is 8.5 cm long and made from tremolite rock, which is not found within the prefecture.
In addition, influence from the Tohoku region is observed in the creation method of the knife-shaped stone tools from approximately 30,000 to 20,000 years ago found at the Kanazawa Castle Town Site (Marunouchi Point No. 7), Miyatake Usshoyama A Site in Nomi City and the Yonehama Site in Shika Town. On the other hand, the technique of producing small, compact chips (1 to 2 cm), which is characteristic of both Ishikawa and Toyama Prefectures, has been confirmed at the Shukuhigashiyama Site in Hodatsushimizu Town and the Shoga-yashiki D Site in Nomi City.
These stone tools show that there was extensive movement and interaction between other areas in Japan.

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石川県埋蔵文化財センター アイコン

Ishikawa Archaeological Foundation

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Ishikawa Archaeological Foundation

Opened in 1998 as an open facility for the excavation and organization of excavated artifacts and the publication of reports on buried cultural properties (archaeological sites) that convey the history and culture of Ishikawa prefecture, as well as to hold exhibitions and lectures that make use of the results. The exhibition rooms comprise sections organized by theme and era, where you can see and touch precious earthenware and stone tools discovered from archaeological sites throughout the prefecture. In 2001, they also opened the Ancient Experience Area, where you can enjoy learning about the lives and techniques of ancient people. Both adults and children can learn about local history in an accessible and easy manner, while deepening their interest and understanding of cultural properties.

18-1 Nakatomachi, Kanazawa, 920-1336 Google Maps

TEL 076-229-4477   E-mail daihyou@ishikawa-maibun.or.jp
